Representative Council Meeting 5.4.2022

Representative council meeting of Enerkemi will be held remotely on April 5, 2022. The members of the represetantative council have been sent information and a link to join the meeting by email. The actual invitations and meeting material will be sent no more than one week before the meeting by email.

Interference in identification 8.2.2022 identification may be disrupted on 8.2.2022 at 8-10 due to an update. The update may interfere with the operation of our e-service Iris.

Cost related to Covid-19 tests

The fund reimburses to it´s members for the costs of treatment of illness or for medical examinations accordance with its rules. When the test is taken for travel or for Covid-19 passport there is no medical treatment and no compensation is paid.

Telephone service during Christmas time

Telephone service is closed 23.12.2021. During week 52 (27.12.2021 – 31.12.2021) telephone service is open 9.00 – 11.30. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Telephone service 24.11.2021

Our telephone service is exceptionally open on Wednesday 24.11.2021 only from 9.30 to 11.30

Telephone service 1.11.2021

Our telephone service is exceptionally open on Monday 1.11.2021 only from 9.30 to 11.30.

E-service has been introduced

We have started to use electronic service. Applications will be accepted through the eService or by traditional mail. The name of the insurance fund’s eService is Iris. You can log in to the service from this link Omasairauskassa or After logging in you can choose English version from the upper right corner. By going to […]

Extra opportunity to become a member of the fund

According to the rules of the fund, the Board of Directors may by a separate decision, allow a certain period of time to apply for membership for persons who are employed by a stakeholder and have not previously been members of the fund. The Board of Directors decided at its meeting 16.6.2021 that from 1 […]

Enerkemi summer release

During the summer holidays 17.6. – 13.8.2021 we only serve by phone from 9.00 to 11.30. Our goal is to process all incoming application as soon as possible. However during the holidays the process may take longer than usual. We wish a sunny and relaxing summer to all our members!

The Financial Supervisory Authority confirmed the new rules approved by the representative council

The Financial Supervisory Authority confirmed the new rules approved by the representative council of Enerkemi. The new rules will take effect on May 1, 2021 and the changes have been posted on section Compensations on our website. The rules in their entirety will be published later in English.